Background Information about Snakes

There are numerous species of snakes throughout Colorado but for simplicity we will discuss the three most common types we encounter: the prairie rattlesnake, the bull snake and the garter snake. Of the three, the only snake that is venomous and toxic to humans is the prairie rattlesnake. There are two other species of rattlesnakes in Colorado, but they are generally observed in other parts of the state. The prairie rattlesnake can grow up to 4.5 feet long and commonly feed on small mammals and toads. We typically see them along the foothills and the eastern plains. They are very common around prairie dog colonies. Bull snakes are commonly confused with rattlesnakes because the color markings on the body are very similar. Bull snakes; however, lack a rattle, have round pupils, and lack pits, whereas rattlesnakes have heat seeking pits and elliptical pupils like a cat eye. Bull snakes are common and are the largest of the native snakes in Colorado. They can measure up to 88 inches in length and they feed on small mammals, birds and eggs. They can mimic a rattlesnake by shaking their tails and hissing which sounds like that of a rattlesnake. Another common snake is the garter snake. There are numerous sub-species of garter snake with the prairie garter snake being the most common. They are dark in color and have a distinguishable orange or yellow stripe down their backs. They can measure 3 feet in length as adults. They commonly feed on insects, frogs and small rodents. Common problems with snakes include them gaining access inside the home or business, them denning underneath sheds, porches and decking or simply their presence, as a lot of people have a fear of snakes.
Treatments for Snakes

NOCO Pest and Wildlife Control Treatments for snakes might include physical removal if they are around the home or business. In these cases, the snakes are relocated to a safe place where the risk of human interaction is much lower. The service technician will provide you with information on how to minimize your snake activity through habitat manipulation. Snakes like moist areas, dense vegetation, and a lot of hiding areas. By limiting these three factors you can make your home or business unpleasant for snakes. Other treatment techniques are repellents and exclusion. Repellents can work if properly applied around the perimeter of the property. The downside to repellents is that you need to continuously apply them during warm months of the year. In situations where snakes get inside a structure, we offer exclusion services that are very similar to our service for mice. We inspect the structure and seal up any gaps to make sure this does not happen in the future. Traps are also placed to remove the snakes if they are still inside.
Service Expectations
Snakes in Colorado: If snakes have gotten into your home or business, we offer a 60-day warranty on the inside, unless, there are areas that we cannot access. Your service technician will communicate this with you at the time of service. We always do our best to find snakes and physically remove them, but we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to find them. Repellents can be successful at deterring snakes in your yard, but each individual snake can react differently towards the repellant and we cannot guarantee that it works every time. Our goal is to reduce the snake activity and paired with efforts made by the customer to limit moisture, dense vegetation, and harborage areas, we have had great luck meeting our customers expectations. Contact us for help with snakes in Colorado from the Wyoming border to Denver!